a dream

Date Written: Aug 8, 2024 Written By: Julia

I started going to the mckittrick hotel when I was 15 years old. I had found the play through a YouTube review when I was around 13 and I knew I needed to go. My mom ended up coming with me and we haven’t stop going since. This was still in the early years of when the hotel opened and it has always been the most magical experience. Truly being immersed in a world foreign to me, and while I have been over 10 times now, I still get the same feelings as when I first saw the play. I feel so incredibly grateful to have experienced this play over and over and I am so appreciative of the cast and everyone involved. When I heard it was closing, it really felt like a chapter in my life was ending and I was so sad that I would never be able to experience this feeling again. There is nothing else really like it in the world and I do hope it never fully closes and end for good. The scenes are so beautifully powerful and invokes so much emotion. I hope I can check back into the McKittrick hotel again, soon.