Mind blown in 2019

Date Written: May 11, 2024 Written By: Sarah Dorman

My husband and I visited New York in October 2019 for a friends wedding. We were encouraged to book a session and to be honest I was dubious… On the night we enjoyed socializing at the bar beforehand, at this point I thought how bad could it be… We were allocated our cards and I was the last of our group to enter. Not going to lie I was anxious. I entered the first room and my god from that moment on I knew it was ‘my place’! I scoured everything I could touch, ran down stairs, opened lockets, climbed through windows, gasped with anticipation, felt and cried and was present in every moment. A Nurse grabbed hold of me at the end dragging me back into the real world. I sobbed. Elated. Forever enchanted. Thank you. This will forever remain as one of my most incredible life experiences x