Here comes Malcolm Twitter…
The McKittrick is home to a deliriously wonderful set of mysterious residents whose stories we return to see again and again.
Most frequenters will have a favourite resident.
Mine, infamously, is one Mr. Malcolm Mac’Crīnaīn.
It would only be right to address the rest of this to him no?
Dearest Malcolm, you have been of great comfort to me — what with all the running (literally) away from your troubles, blubbering over things you cannot understand, and tumbling but always getting up.
Your story, to me, has always been one of growth and resilience. You go from a naïve prince to a man who must avenge the death of his father, a true king. It is no small feat to grow up quickly in the face of tragedy but as you do it, so have I. The kinship I have felt watching the many renditions of you stare up at the mural in King’s Way, finding resolution and determination in history, has been real. Even when you are absent in that staircase, I run up and down it with a quiet salute.
Within your story, there is joy, tenseness and anxiety. There are moments I am breathless — either from all the damn stairs or from sheer emotion — and moments where I feel the same child-like glee you do. It is a full-body, full-heart, full-McKittrick experience every time and I will cherish it forever.
Thank you for all the marathons, Malcolm. I will be bold and I will see all the signs, I promise. Hope you too can do the same (I believe in you!).
Endeared always,
Suhani S
Malcolm Propaganda Machine